For nearly 30 years, No Regrets Men’s Ministry has been involved in creating intentional, disciple-making ministries to men all around the world. It has been an incredible adventure that has given us some invaluable insights. In fact, we think that if you begin to create an intentional plan to disciple the men of your church and community, then this is what your church could like as a result. As we have look back over 30 years, we have seen the following results of an intentional disciple-making ministry to men:
Men Connected to Other Men – In our current world, men are more isolated than ever. However, with intentional small groups, we have seen men scattered worldwide, studying the Word, sharing life, and intentionally fulfilling the great commission. These men understand that Christianity is not a solo sport and they will only reach their God-given potential when connected to other men.
Men Come to Know Christ – This connectivity leads men to reach out and support other men in their lives. As a result, hundreds of men have surrendered their lives to Christ through each man’s personal evangelism efforts. We have also been intentional with doing at least one big event each year explicitly geared to energize these efforts. The catalytic No Regrets conference helps to build momentum for the next things you might see with a disciple making ministry.
Men Growing in Christ – Once these leaders know who they are in Jesus, God begins to work on them, transforming them into His image from one degree of glory to another (2 Corinthians 3:18). This is where we have personally seen men break free from addiction, abuse, anger, broken marriages, and all manner of brokenness! Once the gospel of Jesus gets deep in their bones, we have a hard time holding them back to serve.
Men Mobilized to Serve – Men finally move out of the pews and into the game. A disciple making ministry results in a church full of men with ears to hear God’s call on their life and a heart to do something about it. With an intentional process, this begins to repeat the whole cycle over! The church’s goal is not to get more people to attend but send more people out.
Your Church will be Changed – As we survey the landscape of men in the church today, we are shocked and saddened. But oh, what God can do with our small steps of obedience! May we be leaders passionate about seeing our churches filled with men willing to do Christ’s work in their home, workplace, and world.
We share what we have seen in order to show you that God has done incredible work in our midst, and that is exactly what He wants to do in your church as well. We are confident that He is not done yet. We look to the future with hope and excitement, and we pray that you do too.
BEGIN Your Own Intentional Disciple-Making Ministry. Apply To Our Online Disciple-Making Ministry Course, DiscipleMaker 201: Building a Life-Changing Men’s Ministry